Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


$0 application fee. No essays/exams.

Considering the high-tech world we live in, it’s no surprise computer science professionals are in demand across all industries. The job market is filled with opportunities for future-focused workers with the knowledge and skills to design innovative uses for new and existing computing technology.

National University’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) degree program balances a strong academic foundation, realistic design, and implementation projects to prepare you for an exciting career in this fast-paced industry.

NU’s BSCS curriculum is designed to ensure you acquire the technical and design experience you need to succeed in the growing field of software engineering. You’ll study everything from design and implementations to management and security while you build industry-relevant expertise in data structures and algorithms, efficient, object-oriented programming and application of database systems, computer communication networks, and computer architecture. The field of computer science is evolving fast. If you want to see and be a part of what’s coming next, NU’s BS in Computer Science can show you the way.

Degree Requirements

To receive a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, students must complete at least 180 quarter units to include a minimum of 69 units of the University General Education requirements; 76.5 quarter units must be completed at the upper-division level, and 45, including the senior project courses (CSC 480A, CSC 480B & CSC 480C), must be taken in residence at National University. In the absence of transfer credit, students may need to take additional general electives to satisfy the total units for the degree. Students should refer to the section on undergraduate admission procedures for specific information on admission and evaluation. All students receiving an undergraduate degree in Nevada are required by State Law to complete a course in Nevada Constitution.

National University awards credit in quarter units, with each academic year divided into four 12-week quarters. 

Each quarter is made up of three 4-week classes, with one class per month. Under the current policy, 4.5 units of credit are awarded for courses.

Prerequisites for the Major

10 Courses

Students must select one (1) science related lecture and one (1) lab course from Area F of the General Education for a total of 6 quarter units. The course/lab combination must be intended for science and engineering majors and develop an understanding of the scientific method (PHY104 and PHY104A or PHY130A are recommended).

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: MTH 12A and MTH 12B, or Accuplacer test placement evaluation

Examines higher degree polynomials, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry and matrix algebra needed for more specialized study in mathematics, computer science, engineering and other related fields. Computer and/or graphing calculator use is highly recommended.

MTH 215 or the 2 following COURSES:

3 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: MTH 12A and MTH 12B, or Accuplacer test placement evaluation

The first part of a comprehensive two-month treatment of Algebra and Trigonometry preliminary to more specialized study in Mathematics. The course covers Higher Degree Polynomials, Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, transformations and the Algebra of functions, Arithmetic and Geometric sequences.

3 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: MTH 216A

The second term of a comprehensive two-term treatment of Algebra and Trigonometry; this course is a continuation of MTH 216A. Topics include: Trigonometric Functions, Analytic Trigonometry and Application, Matrix Algebra, Systems of Linear and Non-Linear Equations and Inequalities, and Applied Problems. A graphing calculator may be required.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: MTH 215

(Cross-listed and equivalent to MTH220) Focus on differential and integral calculus with applications. Topics include limits and continuity, derivatives, standard rules of differentiation including chain rule, exponential and logarithmic forms, curve sketching, definition of anti-derivatives; integration rules including substitution and by parts, coverage of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and a brief exposure to numeric integration. Students may not receive credit for both CSC 208 and MTH 220.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: MTH 215

This course introduces modern programming design techniques using C++. A study of fundamental control structures in C++ as well as syntax and semantics of the constructs in the language. The coverage includes data types, looping and decision statements, functions, and arrays. The course examines problem analysis, decomposition and modern programming paradigms and methodologies with introduction to object-oriented programming.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 208

Continuation of Calculus I with emphasis on understanding of concepts and developing problem solving techniques and strategies. Topics include integration of trigonometric functions, functions of several variables, convergence of series and sequences. Applications in the areas of series approximation, continuous probability distributions, random variables, and modeling are discussed and examined.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 242

The course introduces the fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming in C++ including class definition and object instantiation, inheritance and polymorphism. Detailed coverage of pointers, operator overloading, I/O and file streams, templates, and exception handling. Exposure to Data Structures and basic algorithms for sorting and searching.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: MTH 215

The course introduces the Java programming language and its features. Topics include introduction to object-oriented programming, basic control structures, Java graphics and GUI objects, exposure to event driven programming, arrays and strings in Java. Coverage includes inheritance, and polymorphism and exception handling.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 208, or MTH 220; EGR 220

Introduction to the theory and applications of probability and statistics. Topics include data and numerical summary measures, fundamental concepts of probability, conditional probability, random variables, common distributions, quality and reliability and statistical inference (estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression). The emphasis is on developing problem solving skills and application to business, social sciences and engineering.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 262

A treatment of advanced programming techniques in Java using abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance. A deep dive with generic collection classes, coverage of regular expressions, file I/O operations, serialization, multi-threading, and Graphical User Interface design.

*May be used to meet a General Education requirement

Requirements for the Major

17 Courses

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 252, or CSC 272

The course includes the study of vectors in the plane and space, systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The course will approach the study of linear algebra through computer-based exercises. Technology will be an integral part of this course. Students will also develop experience applying abstract concepts to concrete problems drawn from engineering and computer science.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 252, or CSC 272

(Cross-listed and equivalent to MTH 325) A theoretical foundation for computer science. Introduction to topics such as sets, propositional logic, Boolean algebra, counting techniques, recursive equations and solution techniques, graph algorithms with application to trees. Introduction to mathematical proofs. Students may not receive credit for both CSC 331 and MTH 325.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 208, or EGR 220

The scientific approach to problem solving through analysis and design are presented using modern computer science and engineering examples. Critical thinking and communication skills will be used to interpret and present results from real-world case studies where computers were used to solve scientific problems.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 252, or CSC 272

Covers the key concepts and methodologies required for object-oriented design, evaluation and development with focus on practical techniques such as use-case, and scenario based analysis. Coverage of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and domain analysis design. Exposure to software development process models and software management and security.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 300; CSC 331

An overview of common data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. A discussion of various implementations, efficiency and applications of data structures. Course examines efficient storage structures such as Hash tables and Binary Search Tree. Coverage of searching, sorting and graph algorithms along with their implementation and efficiency analysis.

4.5 Quarter Units

Analysis of the values, ethics and ideologies in computing and their applications to current issues in computer industry within the contemporary sociocultural setting. Focuses on ethical decision-making in computing matters. Students develop an ethical outlook on a wide variety of workplace issues in computing through case study, debate and readings.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 331

Corequisite: CSC 340L

Foundation in design and analysis of the operation of digital gates. Design and implementation of combinational and sequential logic circuits. Concepts of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, flip-flops, registers, and counters along with various logic families and comparison of their behavior and characteristics.

1.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 331

Corequisite: CSC 340

A study of basic digital logic circuit design and implementation. Circuit schematic development and computer modeling and simulation of digital systems. Experiments explore designs with combinational and sequential logic. Students work through design activities, which include testing, troubleshooting and documentation.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 335

This course presents an introduction to algorithm design strategies and their application in solving some commonly encountered problems in computing. Topics include asymptotic behavior of algorithms, algorithm designs such as brute force and exhaustive search, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy techniques, backtracking as well as branch and bound approach. A discussion of Intractability and NP–complete problems. The course includes an introduction to the theory of parallel and distributed computing.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 340 and CSC 340L

An examination of advanced hardware design, analysis and low-level programming with emphasis on the structure of the machine. In addition, the machine cycles and instructions, pipelining, addressing modes, memory hierarchy, cache levels and virtual memory and architecture concepts are covered. A discussion of I/O architectures and data transmission modes, disk technologies, tapes and RAID concepts. Comparison of alternative architectures like RISC and parallel processing are presented.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 335

An introduction to operating system concepts including implementation, processes, deadlocks, communication, multi-processing, multilevel memory management, file systems, protection, resource allocation, and scheduling.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 300

A survey of principles, structure, analysis, and techniques of database design and implementation. Topics include physical and logical design, normalization, database models, security, integrity and queries.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 331

An in-depth study of fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer communication networks. Coverage of core problems such as framing, error recovery, multiple-access, flow control, congestion control, routing and end-to-end reliability. Topics include basics of switched communication networks, packet switch architecture, TCP/IP networking, routing algorithms, Quality-of-Service networks. Network tools are applied in quantitative modeling and analysis of networks.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 300

A comparative study of programming languages. Syntax, semantics and pragmatics are considered. Language features that support Object-Oriented programming are emphasized. Recent trends in programming language design and theories are studied.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: Completion of requirements for the major EXCEPT CSC340/CSC340L, CSC342, ITM470

Part I of three-part capstone project course focusing on Software Engineering concepts. Coverage of software development processes with a focus on agile development model. An exposure to software project management concepts including project scheduling. Students work collaboratively to gather requirements and generate UML use case diagrams for a realistic software project to be designed and constructed in parts II and III of the series. Emphasis is on agile Scrum software development process model. Grading is by H, S or U only.

4.5 Quarter Units

Part II of three-part series on Software Engineering concepts and practices.Students follow a formal software development process model to build a system with specified requirements. A study of software testing methodologies. The focus is on object-oriented design, implementation and testing of tasks and subsystems in sprints. Students engage in Scrum software development process model and sprint planning. Grading is by H, S or U only.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 480B

Part III of three-part capstone project course with focus on Software Engineering concepts and practices. Exposure to Software security engineering and software configuration management. Students continue to engage in Scrum agile software development process model and sprint planning. Conduct object-oriented design, implementation, testing and project write up to deliver and demonstrate the finished software product. Grading is by H, S or U only.

Approved Electives

Select 4 Courses

Students must complete four 400 level technical electives, these electives can be taken from the computer science, computer information systems, or information technology management programs without duplicating any of the core courses.

4.5 Quarter Units

An examination of web application development technologies, tools, and frameworks. The course covers design and construction of secure, responsive web applications. Topics include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and client/server-side technologies for building full-stack dynamic applications.

4.5 Quarter Units

Introduction to techniques and technologies in developing mobile applications. Coverage of mobile application platforms, development tools, implementation, and testing. Topics include app layout and widgets, activity lifecycle, menus and dialogs, data management and sensor interactions. An exposure to user interface design on mobile devices.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 300

An introduction to software testing concepts, strategies, and tools. Coverage of unit testing, functional and structural testing of software. A study of selection, design and execution of appropriate test plans and activities for software systems. Discussion of software testing automation and use of opensource software for testing.

4.5 Quarter Units

Coverage of software engineering techniques and processes for developing software products. Examination of software development lifecycle. Use of agile methodology and scenario-based user stories in object-oriented software design. Discussion of various software architectures. Topics include cloud-based software, security and privacy, code management, testing, and development operations.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CSC 335

An introduction to problem solving using modern artificial intelligence techniques. The course explores the latest challenges in the theory, practice, applications and implications of AI in the modern world with a focus on data science and machine learning. Examines the role of heuristics in problem solving. Concepts such as agents, production systems, and natural language communication are studied.

4.5 Quarter Units

Overview of core concepts related to the emerging interconnections between technology, the organization, and information management.

4.5 Quarter Units

Foundation of project management – project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, and procurement. The focus is on the concepts, skills, tools, and techniques involved in information technology project management. Students will develop a project plan using Microsoft Project.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CIS 301

Comprehensive introduction to the planning, analysis, design, and implementation of contemporary information systems. Students will examine the role and responsibility of a System Analyst. Several approaches to system requirements are also covered.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CIS 474

This course covers the technical aspects of information security for computer systems and networks. Various topics of information security will provide students with an understanding of the tools and technologies used to design secure information systems and networks. With the understanding of what security is, this course discusses access control mechanisms, methods of attack, and secure protocols. It includes how to secure telecommunications networks and the Internet. Cryptography is discussed in regards to privacy and secrecy. There is an emphasis on physical security followed by application and system development security. In addition, there will be a discussion of vulnerability assessments and penetration testing and an examination of digital forensics. This course, together with CIS 474, may help students prepare for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam.

4.5 Quarter Units

Focuses on two aspects of website management: technical and business aspects. An introduction to Web languages and technologies is made with some in-depth coverage of HTML and CSS. How to manage people, content, and suppliers is covered in the business focus.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CYB 216

This course covers the secure administration of Linux based systems. Students will learn how to implement and assess standards based security measures on the Linux operating systems. Automating the implementation and assessment of security measures will be a core component of the class. Legal and ethical aspects of system administration will also be covered.

4.5 Quarter Units

This course covers the secure administration of Windows based Desktop and server systems. Students will learn how to implement and assess standards based security measures on Windows based operating systems. Automating the implementation and assessment of security measures will be a core component of the class. Legal and ethical aspects of system administration will also be covered.

4.5 Quarter Units

Prerequisite: CYB 331; CYB 332

This course builds on CYB 216 and covers advanced topics in security automation. Students will learn how to manage security related code in a software repository. Students will write integrated scripts to implement and assess system security. Use of devops automation tools to securely manage infrastructure will also be covered.

Career Outlook

A Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree opens doors in a variety of industries, including professional, scientific and technical services, manufacturing, finance and insurance, information services, administrative support services, and consulting.

  • Top Jobs in this field
  • Median Salary (USA)
  • JOB Openings (USA)
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers
  • $168,530 avg. salary (USA)
  • 45,716 job openings (past yr.) past year
Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming.
Median Salary:
$168,530 annual +250% above US average
Job Openings:
45,716 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Computer Science
  2. Project Management
  3. Cyber Security
  4. IT Infrastructure
  5. Information Systems
  6. Continuous Improvement Process
  7. Auditing

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Marriott International
  • KPMG
  • Gartner
  • Cardinal Health
  • Lincoln Financial Group
  • Prime Therapeutics
  • Goldman Sachs
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Computer Systems Analysts
  • $103,442 avg. salary (USA)
  • 34,780 job openings (past yr.) past year
Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to develop and implement solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions, improve existing computer systems, and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and schedule limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software.
Median Salary:
$103,442 annual +115% above US average
Job Openings:
34,780 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Systems Analysis
  2. Computer Science
  3. Project Management
  4. Business Requirements
  5. Business Process
  6. SQL (Programming Language)
  7. Business Systems Analysis

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Intermountain Health
  • Molina Healthcare
  • Prime Therapeutics
  • Deloitte
  • GovCIO
  • Accenture
  • Cai
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Information Security Analysts
  • $120,010 avg. salary (USA)
  • 15,219 job openings (past yr.) past year
Plan, implement, upgrade, or monitor security measures for the protection of computer networks and information. Assess system vulnerabilities for security risks and propose and implement risk mitigation strategies. May ensure appropriate security controls are in place that will safeguard digital files and vital electronic infrastructure. May respond to computer security breaches and viruses.
Median Salary:
$120,010 annual +149% above US average
Job Openings:
15,219 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Cyber Security
  2. Auditing
  3. Vulnerability
  4. Computer Science
  5. Incident Response
  6. Information Systems
  7. Risk Analysis

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Deloitte
  • Leidos
  • General Dynamics
  • Marriott International
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Mindpoint Group
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Computer and Information Scientists
  • $145,080 avg. salary (USA)
  • 3,176 job openings (past yr.) past year
Conduct research into fundamental computer and information science as theorists, designers, or inventors. Develop solutions to problems in the field of computer hardware and software.
Median Salary:
$145,080 annual +201% above US average
Job Openings:
3,176 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Computer Science
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Python (Programming Language)
  5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  6. Algorithms
  7. Generative Artificial Intelligence

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Amazon
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Accenture
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United States Department of the Treasury
  • Microsoft
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Computer Network Architects
  • $129,216 avg. salary (USA)
  • 10,213 job openings (past yr.) past year
Design and implement computer and information networks, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), intranets, extranets, and other data communications networks. Perform network modeling, analysis, and planning, including analysis of capacity needs for network infrastructures. May also design network and computer security measures. May research and recommend network and data communications hardware and software.
Median Salary:
$129,216 annual +168% above US average
Job Openings:
10,213 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Network Engineering
  2. Network Routing
  3. Automation
  4. Computer Science
  5. Firewall
  6. Network Switches
  7. Wide Area Networks

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Amazon
  • Leidos
  • Lumen Technologies
  • Marriott International
  • TEKsystems
  • GovCIO
  • Acosta Group
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Database Administrators
  • $101,006 avg. salary (USA)
  • 5,108 job openings (past yr.) past year
Administer, test, and implement computer databases, applying knowledge of database management systems. Coordinate changes to computer databases. Identify, investigate, and resolve database performance issues, database capacity, and database scalability. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases.
Median Salary:
$101,006 annual +110% above US average
Job Openings:
5,108 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Amazon
  • Accenture
  • Deloitte
  • TEKsystems
  • Olsson
  • Lowe's
  • Cai
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Database Architects
  • $133,851 avg. salary (USA)
  • 3,932 job openings (past yr.) past year
Design strategies for enterprise databases, data warehouse systems, and multidimensional networks. Set standards for database operations, programming, query processes, and security. Model, design, and construct large relational databases or data warehouses. Create and optimize data models for warehouse infrastructure and workflow. Integrate new systems with existing warehouse structure and refine system performance and functionality.
Median Salary:
$133,851 annual +178% above US average
Job Openings:
3,932 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. SQL (Programming Language)
  2. Computer Science
  3. Data Management
  4. Data Analysis
  5. Data Governance
  6. Project Management
  7. Data Architecture

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Accenture
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Amazon
  • Capital One
  • Ernst & Young
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Lumen Technologies
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators
  • $95,102 avg. salary (USA)
  • 20,432 job openings (past yr.) past year
Install, configure, and maintain an organization's local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), data communications network, operating systems, and physical and virtual servers. Perform system monitoring and verify the integrity and availability of hardware, network, and server resources and systems. Review system and application logs and verify completion of scheduled jobs, including system backups. Analyze network and server resource consumption and control user access. Install and upgrade software and maintain software licenses. May assist in network modeling, analysis, planning, and coordination between network and data communications hardware and software.
Median Salary:
$95,102 annual +97% above US average
Job Openings:
20,432 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Operating Systems
  2. Linux
  3. Computer Science
  4. System Administration
  5. Active Directory
  6. Scripting
  7. Automation

Top companies hiring for this role

  • GovCIO
  • Leidos
  • Canonical Group
  • General Dynamics
  • TEKsystems
  • CACI International
  • Northrop Grumman
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Computer Programmers
  • $95,610 avg. salary (USA)
  • 8,565 job openings (past yr.) past year
Create, modify, and test the code and scripts that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software and web developers or other individuals. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.
Median Salary:
$95,610 annual +98% above US average
Job Openings:
8,565 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Computer Science
  2. SQL (Programming Language)
  3. Project Management
  4. Debugging
  5. Python (Programming Language)
  6. JavaScript (Programming Language)
  7. C# (Programming Language)

Top companies hiring for this role

  • GovCIO
  • Farm Service Agency
  • Ensono
  • Epic Games
  • United States Department of the Treasury
  • Amazon
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Software Developers
  • $131,496 avg. salary (USA)
  • 114,789 job openings (past yr.) past year
Research, design, and develop computer and network software or specialized utility programs. Analyze user needs and develop software solutions, applying principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis. Update software or enhance existing software capabilities. May work with computer hardware engineers to integrate hardware and software systems, and develop specifications and performance requirements. May maintain databases within an application area, working individually or coordinating database development as part of a team.
Median Salary:
$131,496 annual +173% above US average
Job Openings:
114,789 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Computer Science
  2. Software Engineering
  3. Agile Methodology
  4. Software Development
  5. Java (Programming Language)
  6. Python (Programming Language)
  7. Amazon Web Services

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Amazon
  • Accenture
  • Deloitte
  • Ford
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Raytheon Technologies
  • Apple
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
  • Software QA Analysts and Testers
  • $101,709 avg. salary (USA)
  • 14,593 job openings (past yr.) past year
Develop and execute software tests to identify software problems and their causes. Test system modifications to prepare for implementation. Document software and application defects using a bug tracking system and report defects to software or web developers. Create and maintain databases of known defects. May participate in software design reviews to provide input on functional requirements, operational characteristics, product designs, and schedules.
Median Salary:
$101,709 annual +111% above US average
Job Openings:
14,593 past year
Salary Range:
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Most desired skills

  1. Automation
  2. Test Automation
  3. Test Planning
  4. Agile Methodology
  5. Computer Science
  6. Software Testing
  7. Python (Programming Language)

Top companies hiring for this role

  • Pearson Education
  • Apple
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions
  • Amazon
  • Infosys
  • Accenture
  • GovCIO
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.

Program Learning Outcomes

Learn the key skills to help you excel in your field of study.

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
woman smiling at man taking notes


Transfer Students Welcome

More about transferring to NU.

Enrolling in a university is a big decision. That’s why our dedicated admissions team is here to guide you through the admissions process and help you find the right program for you and your career goals.

To that end, we’ve simplified and streamlined our application process, so you can get enrolled in your program right away. Because we accept and review applications year round, you can begin class as soon as next month, depending on your program and location of choice.

Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for transfer students. You can also learn more about our tuition rates and financial aid opportunities.

To speak with our admissions team, call (855) 355-6288 or request information and an advisor will contact you shortly. If you’re ready to apply, simply start your application today.

woman smiling at man taking notes

Scholarships and Financial Aid

National University is dedicated to making higher education affordable, as well as accessible. Through NU scholarship offerings, eligible students are able to reduce the financial burden of college, start classes sooner, and finish their programs faster while focusing on achieving their goals.


WASC Senior College and University Commission logo

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredits public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Computer Science Program Criteria.

NU’s Online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) programs rated among the 2024 Best Opportunities In The Nation.

As Recommended by Forbes Advisor – Best Online Degrees for 2024

woman with toddler smiling

Why National University?

We’re proud to be a Veteran-founded, San Diego-based nonprofit. Since 1971, our mission has been to provide accessible, achievable higher education to adult learners.

Today, we educate students from across the U.S. and around the globe, with over 240,000 alumni worldwide.

headshot of Anh T. Nguyen, class of 2028

“The computer science program at NU is designed with relevant knowledge and skills for a student can take on a real tasks in the computer industry.”

Anh T. Nguyen,

Class of 2018

What makes a degree
with National University unique?

Free Tutoring Sessions

Access personalized tutoring sessions at no cost — empowering your learning.

Online and In-Person

Flexibility meets quality education with our online and in-person learning options.

24/7 Support

Get assistance anytime, anywhere with our round-the-clock support services.

Military Friendly

Committed to serving those who serve — diverse resources and support for veterans and family. Military and Veteran Admissions.

Mentoring Network

Individual student and alumni career guidance, professional development opportunities, and customized career support.

Transfer Students Welcome

NU makes it easy to get your degree, even if you started it with another university. Learn more about transferring to NU.

Accelerate Your Career With NU

At National University, you’re part of a family. As a student, you’ll have the support of staff, faculty members, students, and alumni who will be there with you every step of the way, cheering you on as you pursue your goals.

Our network of 240,000 alumni is a large global community that provides our graduates with the professional connections to get a leg up in your new career.

man and woman in graduation cap and gown smiling among other graduating students


Software Development

This concentration builds student proficiency in design, implementation, testing, and management of large-scale, secure software systems. It covers the concepts and skills in constructing software from inception to deployment, using current industry practices and tools. The concentration examines processes and activities that go into each stage of the Software Development Lifecycle. The focus is on Web and Mobile Application Design, development tools, frameworks, and testing strategies.

  1. Describe, evaluate, and implement the processes and activities that go into engineering and building software systems
  2. Design, develop, modify and deploy software systems using relevant tools and technologies
  3. Develop software testing plans and conduct automated software testing
  4. Students must take four required electives to receive this specialization: CSC441, CSC443, CSC447 and CSC449. For more information on these courses, please visit the NU Catalog.

For degree and specialization requirements, please visit our course catalog.

A Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree opens doors in a variety of industries, including professional, scientific and technical services, manufacturing, finance and insurance, information services, administrative support services, and consulting. Computer skills are also needed in large numbers in many other industries from retail, healthcare, education, local, state and federal government agencies, transportation, and others.

NU’s computer science degree is designed to put you on the path to a successful, in-demand career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,* employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow 22 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. Furthermore, the BLS notes that the median annual wage for computer and information research scientists was $131,490 in May 2021.

Employers in this field are looking for skills in communications, management, leadership,
information technology, operations, infrastructure, problem-solving, integration, troubleshooting, innovation, planning, research, mentorship, consulting, customer service, and Microsoft Office proficiency.

Graduates of NU’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree program can pursue a wide range of careers,** including:

  • Software Engineers
  • Systems Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Network Engineers
  • Solutions Architects
  • Java Developers

Learn more about the career opportunities and benefits from earning your degree in computer science by reading NU’s article: Which Computer Science Career is Right for Me?


**SOURCE: Emsi Labor Analyst- Report. Emsi research company homepage at (Report viewed: April 21, 2022). DISCLAIMER: The data provided is for Informational purposes only. Emsi data and analysis utilizes government sources to provide insights on industries, demographics, employers, in-demand skills, and more to align academic programs with labor market opportunities. Cited projections may not reflect local or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth. Current and prospective students should use this data with other available economic data to inform their educational decisions.

While a bachelor’s degree in computer science is an excellent way to gain a solid foundation in the field, a master’s degree can lead to greater career potential and higher-paying careers. Many students who enter the bachelor’s program continue their studies into NU’s Master of Science in Computer Science program, and this is why we offer a bachelor’s to master’s degree transition program.

The goal is to make the transition to the master’s program seamless and efficient, so you waste no time in between programs. The number of courses required to earn an MSCS degree for transition program students is reduced from 12 to as few as 10 courses, so you can finish your master’s degree faster.

Students must complete graduate-level coursework taken as part of the BSCS degree with a grade of “B” or better. This coursework, which counts as electives, will not transfer as graduate-level credit to National University or any other institution, as it is part of an undergraduate degree program.

Grades earned in graduate-level courses will be calculated as part of the student’s undergraduate grade-point average. Students must be within completing their last six courses in their undergraduate program and have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 to be eligible.

Lastly, students must apply for and begin the MSCS program within six months of completing their final BSCS course. Students must complete their MSCS program within four years, with no break exceeding 12 months. Students in the BSCS transition program may take up to two MSCS classes as electives during the BSCS. Students may choose from the following courses: CSC 603, CSC 605, CSC 675, CSC606, and CSC607.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program Educational Objectives are as follows. Within a few years of graduation, graduates are expected to be:

  • Engaged and active as responsible professionals pursuing diverse career paths or successfully continuing their education in graduate school
  • Participating in continuing education opportunities enabling them to understand and apply new ideas and technologies in the field of computing.
  • Effective communicators and team members
  • Active contributors to their community and their profession

Computer science is the study of computer software and hardware and their applications. At its foundation, the program focuses on critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving. Efficient solution design, implementation, evaluation, and testing are routine tasks in a CS program. This degree provides the necessary knowledge and skills to enable you to understand complex problems and to apply principles of computing to identify solutions that meet a given set of requirements.

Yes. National University offers an online computer science degree program, culminating with a capstone project. The program is ABET-accredited and requires 180 quarter units to complete.

Most computer science bachelor’s programs take four years to complete. However, many online colleges offer two-year programs for students with an associate degree or transfer credits. National University offers a unique four-week class format, meaning students can take one class at a time, one month at a time and finish faster.

Although this program is rigorous and challenging, it is worth it for individuals interested in utilizing their math and problem-solving skills in their careers. A computer science degree can lead to a career in a highly in-demand field.

Yes, a good understanding of math concepts is necessary to be successful in computing and programming, as you will be required to make sense of abstract language, coding, algorithms, data structures, and more.

Program Disclosure

Successful completion and attainment of National University degrees do not lead to automatic or immediate licensure, employment, or certification in any state/country. The University cannot guarantee that any professional organization or business will accept a graduate’s application to sit for any certification, licensure, or related exam for the purpose of professional certification.

Program availability varies by state. Many disciplines, professions, and jobs require disclosure of an individual’s criminal history, and a variety of states require background checks to apply to, or be eligible for, certain certificates, registrations, and licenses. Existence of a criminal history may also subject an individual to denial of an initial application for a certificate, registration, or license and/or result in the revocation or suspension of an existing certificate, registration, or license. Requirements can vary by state, occupation, and/or licensing authority.

NU graduates will be subject to additional requirements on a program, certification/licensure, employment, and state-by-state basis that can include one or more of the following items: internships, practicum experience, additional coursework, exams, tests, drug testing, earning an additional degree, and/or other training/education requirements.

All prospective students are advised to review employment, certification, and/or licensure requirements in their state, and to contact the certification/licensing body of the state and/or country where they intend to obtain certification/licensure to verify that these courses/programs qualify in that state/country, prior to enrolling. Prospective students are also advised to regularly review the state’s/country’s policies and procedures relating to certification/licensure, as those policies are subject to change.

National University degrees do not guarantee employment or salary of any kind. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to review desired job positions to review degrees, education, and/or training required to apply for desired positions. Prospective students should monitor these positions as requirements, salary, and other relevant factors can change over time.

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