Master of Arts in Education
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Master’s Degree in Education
Master of Arts in Education Degree
$0 application fee. No essays/exams.
If you’re a passionate educator looking for growth and advancement, pursue a Master of Arts in Education from National University. This program expands knowledge and opportunities. Candidates will learn about historical, philosophical, psychological, and social foundations of education. It will also analyze issues of educational equity and diversity, develop understanding of students with learning differences, examine the foundations of curriculum, assessment, and instruction, and use educational research to deepen critical-thinking skills.
Areas of emphasis may include advanced teaching practices, early childhood education, technology, higher education administration, special education, or inspired teaching.
Degree Requirements
To receive a Master of Arts in Education students must complete 45 quarter hours of graduate work. A total of 4.5 quarter units of transfer graduate credit may be granted if not used earning another advanced degree. An additional 11.25 units of graduate level credit may also be transferred through prior learning experience. All prior learning experience will be reviewed by the Sanford College of Education Prior Learning Experience Assessment Committee before accepted for transfer. Students must complete all courses with a minimum grade of B-. Students shall not select more than four (4) courses from any subject to fulfill the MAE course requirements. Students in a credential program, who no longer desire to earn the credential, may transfer courses into the MAE upon approval from the Academic Program Director.
National University awards credit in quarter units, with each academic year divided into four 12-week quarters.
Each quarter is made up of three 4-week classes, with one class per month. Under the current policy, 4.5 units of credit are awarded for courses.
Required Introduction Courses
1 Course
Plan of Study & Prac Research
4.5 Quarter Units
Required first course in the MAE program. Course participants are presented with essential experiences and exercises to a) select MAE emphasis courses that align with MAE Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and b) evaluate practitioner research paradigms and effective research designs used in education by practitioner researchers.
Emphasis Requirements
8 Courses
MAE program courses may be selected from any SCOE graduate level, non-credential course from the following list of courses. Students shall not select more than four (4) courses from any subject.
Dev. Fluency in Reading
4.5 Quarter Units
Research-based analysis of English phonology, morphology and orthography, with attention to teaching students to become proficient readers through recognizing sound-print relationships. Incorporates current approaches to phonemic awareness, explicit phonics instruction, recognition of high-frequency words and spelling patterns for both English speakers and English language learners.
Comprehension Strategies
4.5 Quarter Units
Provides an investigation of meaning-making at both the local (discourse) and global (general knowledge) levels. Covers research-based models of discourse processing and representation construction. Introduces strategies to promote guided reading, independent reading, and study skills in all content areas, using the concepts of connecting background experience and applying self-monitoring strategies.
The Early Childhood Educator
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Examines the critical role of the early childhood teacher leader. Analysis of beliefs and ethics on quality care. Explore history of social policy on the field of early childhood. Develop plan to support professional growth as an ECE Leader. Addresses NAEYC Advanced Standard 6: Growing as a professional.
Current Issues in ECE
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Focuses on current issues in early childhood education and implications for the field. Conduct a literature review and develop a research agenda
ECE Learning & Development
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Focus is on current research in early childhood learning and development. Deepen understanding of young children thinking skills. Examine impact on curriculum and the educational community from multiple perspectives.
Best ECE Teaching Practices
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Focus on research based effective teaching strategies for young children. Examines opportunities for integrating curriculum across content areas. Close attention paid to balancing standards and Developmentally Appropriate Practice.
Collaborative Partnerships
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Examines interpersonal communication skills required for early childhood teachers and leaders. Examines strategies for enhancing parent-professional partnerships, consultation skills and issues relating to interactive teaming and the larger community.
Inclusive ECE Practices
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Emphasis on variations in child development, identification of disabilities and the implications of cultural and linguistic diversity. Examines inclusive early childhood programs, strategies for adaptions and accommodations to meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of all children who are at-risk or have special needs.
Foundations of Adult Learners
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Focus on adult learning theories and principles of personal leadership to meet the specific needs of ECE leaders. Foundational knowledge and best practices for working with diverse learners in various capacities covered. Particular attention paid to the different roles and responsibilities for effectively facilitating adult learners in the field of ECE.
Foundations of ECE Advocacy
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ATP 600, or MAE 610
Examines a variety of strategies to advocate for and advance the Early Childhood Education profession. Includes grant writing skills, awareness of public policy issues, and effective political action strategies.
Introduction to H.E. Admin
4.5 Quarter Units
Overview of the basic aspects of higher education including issues, policies, operations, financial management, strategic planning, enrollment, student services, and regional accreditation. A brief examination of the history and functions of colleges and universities in the United States and the world as well as an introduction to educational philosophy, curriculum and instruction provide the candidate a foundation of understanding of the role of the academe in today’s society.
Leading and Managing Change
4.5 Quarter Units
This course examines theory and practice regarding resistance to and acceptance of change initiatives, including the impact on organizational culture. Learn to initiate and implement change in organizations through problem-solving experiences and exercises.
Policy & Accountability
4.5 Quarter Units
This course familiarizes students with assessment, policy-making, and accountability in higher education. Practical and theoretical approaches are explored. Power influences will be identified and examine, both inside and outside institutions including university hierarchy, state, and federal entities. Student learning and assessment’s impact on the present and future of higher education will be explored, including the roles of state and regional accreditors.
Community Development in HE
4.5 Quarter Units
This course is an examination of the literature on theories related to interaction with the cultures found within a higher education community and the community in which the institution sits. Strategies for effective communication with various entities within the organization such as students, faculty, staff, and administration are gained, as well as engaging with the external community—local, state, and regional.
Higher Education Law/Politics
4.5 Quarter Units
This course examines the legal aspects of higher education, sources of law and authority presented; impact on, interaction with, and implications of the administration of higher education are discussed. The course provides an overview of the legal issues that arise in public and private college and universities and the policy implications of those issues. Pertinent federal and California statutes and case law will inform students of the legal rights and responsibilities of higher education students, faculty, and the administration.
Managing Finances & Operations
4.5 Quarter Units
This course provides a survey of how higher educational institutions are funded: private, non-profit/private, and public. Trends in higher education finance will be examined. Students will engage in case studies of institutions in financial crises and examine solutions to these crises.
Strategic Planning & Analysis
4.5 Quarter Units
This course will examine the processes of institution-wide planning that examines internal and external variables. An analysis of all relevant data provides a crucial element in these processes. Data include those pertaining to student learning and learning assessment.
Student Svcs & Enrollment Mgt
4.5 Quarter Units
Overview of Student Services and Enrollment Management in Higher Education institutions. Practical advice and theoretical frameworks to inform planning and problem solving are explored. Professional practice is summarized in the areas of students, human resources, interpersonal dynamics, skills and competencies, and services offered.
Technology Foundations
4.5 Quarter Units
Technology Foundations serves as MSDIET program introduction. Course format forecasts program expectations, introduces the five lenses of educational technology evaluation (theory, tools, practice, design & assessment). Key concepts defined. Hands on project-based instructional design practices introduced and scholarly research begins
Instructional Design
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Overview of instructional tools and design processes used to create robust learning objects and dynamic learning environments. Relevant theories applied to creation of instructional strategies, learning objectives, and assessment of outcomes. Students continue scholarly research and hands-on projects.
Education, Theory & Technology
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Students explore relationship between extant theory and instructional. Technology viewed as a value-neutral tool applied to enhance communication and cognition.
Media Based Learning Objects
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Media Rich learning objects, supported by learning theory created for real world application. Emphasis on UX.
Developing Online Courseware
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Learners step into the role of course designer as they explore the affordances and constraints of distant learning modalities. Tools, theory, and calibrated learner needs are considered as original learning environments are crafted and evaluated for their efficacy as tools of teaching, learning, engaging and community building.
Media Rich Instruction
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Overview of audio and video tools. Introduces techniques and design skills for craft engaging, comprehensible learning objects. Emphasis on audience. Media choice supported by theory. Emphasis on narrative-supported learner-engagement.
Simulated Realities & Learning
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Deep dive into the tools, theory, and practice of using simulation, games, virtual spaces (AR, MR, & MR), and representational avatars to enhance interactive learning environments. Instructor return on investment considerations explored.
Technology and Leadership
4.5 Quarter Units
Recommended Preparation: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C.
Program graduates prepared for roles as educational technology subject-matter experts and institutional change agents. Emphasis on issues surrounding the choosing, adoption, rollout and sustainability of new educational technologies. Teams of students conduct needs assessment as basis for drafting technology plan.
Instructional Eval. & Devl
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: EID 600 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 610 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 620 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 630 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 640 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 650 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 660 with a minimum grade of C. ; EID 670 with a minimum grade of C.
Prospectus for capstone (the final course in the program) developed. Students review efficacy of previous work, evaluate continuous improvement strategies. Emphasis on UX, learning outcomes and assessment.
Identity, Inclusion and Equity
4.5 Quarter Units
Typologies and characteristics of English Learners; grounded knowledge of learners and their families in schooling contexts. Research focused on inclusion and equity practices for English Learners.
Linguistics- Academic Language
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 660
Language, language structure and linguistics as related to English Learners. Language conventions, academic content obligatory/compatible vocabulary, effective expression and wide reading/writing of multiple texts.
EL Achievement in Content Area
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 662
Cognitive load and language challenge(s) for K-12 English Learners. Content area learning informed by disciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge. Academic achievement for English Learners using multiple assessment measures. Alignment with the CA-CCSS and the California ELA/ELD framework.
Introduction to SEL
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITL 600; ITL 604; ITL 606
Analyze the components of social emotional learning (SEL). Compare theoretical orientations regarding the development of SEL in school aged children. Assess own level of social emotional functioning to improve their ability to provide comprehensive and effective services to students. Evaluate evidence base for social emotional learning interventions within an MTSS framework.
SEL in Action
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 670 minimum standards
An inquiry project focused on the support of current research on social emotional learning strategies, interventions, and practices for various age and grade levels will be completed. Collaboration strategies and partnerships within the school system, support staff, and community will be analyzed as a part of the inquiry process.
Research in SEL
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 672
Explore research designs that measure social emotional learning at the individual and school levels. Finalize a research proposal to investigate a current issue or problem related to social emotional learning. Evaluate strategies to apply social emotional learning research in everyday classroom teaching and practice.
Interdisciplinary STEAM/STEM
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITL 600; ITL 604; ITL 606; ITL 608
Focuses on STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) education issues and challenges. Candidates assess their own thinking about interdisciplinary STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) education, analyze STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) education research and practice, select an action research topic in the interdisciplinary STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) field, and create a research question in STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) related field.
Inst Strategies STEAM/STEM
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 681
Focuses on the interdisciplinary STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) education in the classroom. Candidates evaluate lesson plans from a theoretical perspective of teaching STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12), study instructional strategies, create lesson plans that support the learning STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) in their students.
Action Research in STEAM/STEM
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 681; ITI 683
Focuses on the STEAM (PK-6) and STEM (7-12) interdisciplinary action research. Candidates share and verify their research questions, develop appropriate research methods, finalize their literature review, and develop their research proposals.
Inspired Teaching Inquiry
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITL 600; ITL 604; ITL 606
Covers current theories and applications of evidence-based Inspired Teaching Practices in PK-12 education and includes developing a repertoire of technology-enhanced curricular tools. Candidates explore the process and application of action research resulting in the development of framing an instructional practices-based research topic and question through writing a literature review.
Inspired Student Learning
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 690
Increases student achievement by differentiating and matching each learner’s unique characteristics and various curriculum components; how student-centered learning is enhanced through appropriate classroom management and effective curricular practices. Candidates finalize their research question, expand the literature review., and offer a rationale for their final proposal.
Inspired Learning Technology
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITI 692
Explores and incorporates Information Communication Technologies (ICT) into instructional practices including curricular tools, apps, and web-based resources. Working collaboratively in teams, candidates create a multidisciplinary unit incorporating appropriate learning technologies. The Action Research Proposal is finalized and presented in video and written formats.
Becoming a Teacher
4.5 Quarter Units
Graduate level credential program requirements; K-12 school and classroom experiences; and observational skills in K-12 classrooms. Principles sustaining an inspired teacher mindset. Electronic showcase reflecting professional growth throughout the program.
Learners and Learning I
4.5 Quarter Units
Examines psychological, socio-cultural, linguistic, and other factors influencing development, learning, and the full range of learners, including English Learners, standard-English learners, students with exceptionalities, and students with other needs. Considers a variety of data to identify appropriate strategies and community-based resources to support all learners and their families.
Learners and Learning II
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITL 604
Examines theories and research regarding typical and atypical child and adolescent development and learning. Considers various data collection and assessment techniques guiding the selection of effective instructional strategies, practices, resources, and technologies needed to create environments supporting the full range of learners and provide equitable access to the curriculum.
Design and Process of Teaching
4.5 Quarter Units
Prerequisite: ITL 606
Candidates integrate principles of learning theories and factors influencing human development when designing instruction and evaluating instructional effectiveness. Candidates will utilize a four-stage cyclical model of planning, teaching, analyzing and reflecting in the process of learning-and-teaching to ensure all students equitable access to the curriculum.
Notes: Courses with pre-requisites may not be taken without prior faculty permission.
Research Course
1 Course
App Prctnr Rsrch & Cust Study
4.5 Quarter Units
Presents course participants with experiences and exercises to: a) develop a practitioner research proposal based on a relational practitioner research question and b) produce a reflective presentation that evaluates plan of study digital portfolio artifacts alignment to MAE Program Learning Outcomes.
Guided Study Option
0.5 – 6.0 quarter units
Students who transfer prior learning credit course work may take a variable unit course to help meet the total degree unit requirements. This course is only offered as an independent study request. Please contact your academic advisor for additional information.
Soc Emtnl Lrng & Relationship
0.5 Quarter Units
Provides an overview of social and emotional learning (SEL), the impact of SEL on academics and how SEL practices can lead to healthy growth and human development and help build positive and dynamic relationships.
Career Outlook
Data Source: The career outcomes data presented is sourced from Lightcast, which provides insights based on real-time job postings, public datasets, and analytics. Lightcast derives its data from sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES). While accurate and reliable, this data reflects general labor market trends and may not represent individual outcomes or specific local conditions. For more details on Lightcast’s methodology, visit their Data Overview.
The Master of Arts in Education degree will prepare you for careers such as:
- Top Jobs in this field
- Median Salary (USA)
- JOB Openings (USA)
- Education Administrators for Preschool and Childcare Programs
- $52,049 avg. salary (USA)
- 6,974 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Child Development
- Preschool Education
- Working With Children
- Marketing
- Early Childhood Education
- Developmental Psychology
- Lesson Planning
Top companies hiring for this role
- KinderCare Education
- Learning Experience
- La Petite Academy
- Learning Care Group
- Childcare Network
- Right At School
- Education Administrators for Elementary and Secondary Schools
- $102,866 avg. salary (USA)
- 25,291 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Student Services
- Curriculum Development
- Special Education
- Project Management
- Lesson Planning
- Data Analysis
- Classroom Management
Top companies hiring for this role
- Learning Care Group
- Npower (Nonprofit)
- KinderCare Education
- Northrop Grumman
- Raytheon Technologies
- Childcare Network
- Clark County School District
- Postsecondary Education Administrators
- $102,197 avg. salary (USA)
- 18,685 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Student Services
- Marketing
- Higher Education
- Academic Affairs
- Project Management
- Enrollment Management
- Registration
Top companies hiring for this role
- Indiana University-Bloomington
- Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York
- University of Chicago
- The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- University of Illinois System Offices
- University of California-Merced
- Uncommon Schools
- Training and Development Specialists
- $64,410 avg. salary (USA)
- 38,669 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Merchandising
- Process Improvement
- Project Management
- Performance Management
- Learning Management Systems
- Community Outreach
- Retail Operations
Top companies hiring for this role
- Walmart
- Abercrombie & Fitch
- Whole Foods
- Boys & Girls Clubs Of America
- Buckle
- Amazon
- Goodwill
- Preschool Teachers
- $36,662 avg. salary (USA)
- 67,968 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Preschool Education
- Child Development
- Lesson Planning
- Early Childhood Education
- Classroom Management
- Working With Children
- Special Education
Top companies hiring for this role
- KinderCare Education
- Bright Horizons
- Cadence Education
- Learning Care Group
- Learning Experience
- La Petite Academy
- Kindergarten Teachers
- $62,618 avg. salary (USA)
- 14,438 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Lesson Planning
- Classroom Management
- Early Childhood Education
- Curriculum Development
- Learning Styles
- Child Development
- Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
Top companies hiring for this role
- Clark County School District
- IDEA Public Schools
- Wake County Public Schools
- The Goddard School
- Primrose School
- Broward County Public Schools
- Pasco County Schools
- Elementary School Teachers
- $63,405 avg. salary (USA)
- 114,982 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Lesson Planning
- Classroom Management
- Curriculum Development
- Special Education
- Learning Styles
- Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
- Instructional Strategies
Top companies hiring for this role
- Clark County School District
- Wake County Public Schools
- State Of West Virginia
- Pasco County Schools
- National Heritage Academies
- Broward County Public Schools
- Stepping Stones
- Middle School Teachers
- $64,004 avg. salary (USA)
- 51,054 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Lesson Planning
- Mathematics Education
- Classroom Management
- Science Education
- Curriculum Development
- Differentiated Instruction
- Learning Styles
Top companies hiring for this role
- Stride K12
- Uncommon Schools
- Kipp Massachusetts
- Kipp Austin Public Schools
- Springfield Public Schools, MO
- Wake County Public Schools
- KIPP Foundation
- Secondary School Teachers
- $65,104 avg. salary (USA)
- 80,288 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Lesson Planning
- Classroom Management
- Curriculum Development
- Mathematics Education
- Learning Styles
- Differentiated Instruction
- Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
Top companies hiring for this role
- Clark County School District
- Success Academy
- Stride K12
- Chicago Public Schools
- Charter Schools USA
- IDEA Public Schools
- Special Education Preschool Teachers
- $65,174 avg. salary (USA)
- 2,394 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Early Intervention
- Special Education
- Child Development
- Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP)
- Preschool Education
- Psychology
- Working With Children
Top companies hiring for this role
- Action Behavior Centers
- Sevita
- Soar Autism Center
- All About Kids
- Thom Child And Family Services
- About Play
- Kennedy-Donovan Center
- Middle School Special Education Teachers
- $66,547 avg. salary (USA)
- 7,009 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Special Education
- Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
- Lesson Planning
- Classroom Management
- Curriculum Development
- Disabilities
- Instructional Strategies
Top companies hiring for this role
- Stride K12
- North East Independent School District
- Springfield Public Schools, MO
- Seattle Public Schools
- Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District
- Kipp Massachusetts
- Fayette County Public Schools
- Secondary Special Education Teachers
- $66,520 avg. salary (USA)
- 12,781 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Special Education
- Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
- Lesson Planning
- Disabilities
- Curriculum Development
- Classroom Management
- Data Collection
Top companies hiring for this role
- Stride K12
- Kipp Massachusetts
- Oakland Unified School District
- Seattle Public Schools
- Kennedy Krieger Institute
- North East Independent School District
- Springfield Public Schools, MO
- Instructional Coordinators
- $75,034 avg. salary (USA)
- 22,900 job openings (past yr.) past year
Most desired skills
- Instructional Design
- Curriculum Development
- Project Management
- Learning Management Systems
- Adult Education
- Educational Technologies
- Special Education
Top companies hiring for this role
- Chegg
- Pearson Education
- Stride K12
- Clark County School District
- Cengage Learning
- University of California-Merced
Program Learning Outcomes
Learn the key skills to help you excel in your field of study.
- Analyze diversity issues in education to support equity in educational contexts and learning practices.
- Integrate foundational theory and skills to make subject matter comprehensible to all learners.
- Analyze the application of educational research, evidence-based practices, and academic writing.
- Integrate advanced approaches to instruction, assessment, and learning using digital tools and skills.
- Design learning experiences that include learner characteristics, principles of customized learning, and assessment as learning.
- Develop reflective practices that are grounded in current learning science research, professional ethics, and include pathways to continuous growth.
- Apply practitioner research methods to study and inform instruction in traditional and digital learning environments.

Transfer Students Welcome
Enrolling in a university is a big decision. That’s why our dedicated admissions team is here to guide you through the admissions process and help you find the right program for you and your career goals.
To that end, we’ve simplified and streamlined our application process, so you can get enrolled in your program right away. Because we accept and review applications year round, you can begin class as soon as next month, depending on your program and location of choice.
Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for transfer students. You can also learn more about our tuition rates and financial aid opportunities.
To speak with our admissions team, call (855) 355-6288 or request information and an advisor will contact you shortly. If you’re ready to apply, simply start your application today.

Scholarships and Financial Aid
National University is dedicated to making higher education affordable, as well as accessible. Through NU scholarship offerings, eligible students are able to reduce the financial burden of college, start classes sooner, and finish their programs faster while focusing on achieving their goals.
The $7,500 MAE Program for Harmony Academy Educators
Designed for participating Harmony Academy teachers, this program offers personalized learning to elevate your professional skills and credentials. Begin by completing a no-cost Harmony Academy SEL training module in just four weeks, then transfer into the Master of Arts in Education program to earn your degree in as few as ten months.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredits public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S.

Why National University?
We’re proud to be a Veteran-founded, San Diego-based nonprofit. Since 1971, our mission has been to provide accessible, achievable higher education to adult learners.
Today, we educate students from across the U.S. and around the globe, with over 240,000 alumni worldwide.

“National University has impacted my career. You can immediately apply what you learn in class to your business.”
Francisco R.,
Class of 2016
What makes a degree
with National University unique?
Free Tutoring Sessions
Access personalized tutoring sessions at no cost — empowering your learning.
Online and In-Person
Flexibility meets quality education with our online and in-person learning options.
24/7 Support
Get assistance anytime, anywhere with our round-the-clock support services.
Military Friendly
Committed to serving those who serve — diverse resources and support for veterans and family. Military and Veteran Admissions.
Mentoring Network
Individual student and alumni career guidance, professional development opportunities, and customized career support.
Transfer Students Welcome
NU makes it easy to get your degree, even if you started it with another university. Learn more about transferring to NU.
Accelerate Your Career With NU
At National University, you’re part of a family. As a student, you’ll have the support of staff, faculty members, students, and alumni who will be there with you every step of the way, cheering you on as you pursue your goals.
Our network of 240,000 alumni is a large global community that provides our graduates with the professional connections to get a leg up in your new career.

Whether or not a Masters of Arts (MA) in Education is worth it depends on your personal and professional goals. For many graduates, a Master’s degree in Education can lead to higher salaries and more job opportunities, especially in leadership roles or specialized fields like curriculum development or instructional design.
The main difference between a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) and a Master of Education (MEd) is their focus and intended audience. An MAT is ideal for professionals who already have a bachelor’s degree in a subject area and want to become certified to teach in that area. An MEd, on the other hand, is more focused on education theory and research, and is often pursued by educators who want to advance in their careers or specialize in areas like curriculum development or educational administration.
There are several benefits to earning a Master of Arts in Education degree, including the potential for career advancement, increased earning potential, and the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of education. Earning a Master’s in Education can equip you with advanced skills and knowledge for a variety of roles in education.
A Master of Arts in Education degree can prepare graduates for a variety of careers in education, including classroom teaching, curriculum development, educational administration, school counseling, and education policy. Masters in Education students may also want to continue their education and specialize further with a doctoral degree.
Additional Resources
Program Disclosure
Successful completion and attainment of National University degrees do not lead to automatic or immediate licensure, employment, or certification in any state/country. The University cannot guarantee that any professional organization or business will accept a graduate’s application to sit for any certification, licensure, or related exam for the purpose of professional certification.
Program availability varies by state. Many disciplines, professions, and jobs require disclosure of an individual’s criminal history, and a variety of states require background checks to apply to, or be eligible for, certain certificates, registrations, and licenses. Existence of a criminal history may also subject an individual to denial of an initial application for a certificate, registration, or license and/or result in the revocation or suspension of an existing certificate, registration, or license. Requirements can vary by state, occupation, and/or licensing authority.
NU graduates will be subject to additional requirements on a program, certification/licensure, employment, and state-by-state basis that can include one or more of the following items: internships, practicum experience, additional coursework, exams, tests, drug testing, earning an additional degree, and/or other training/education requirements.
All prospective students are advised to review employment, certification, and/or licensure requirements in their state, and to contact the certification/licensing body of the state and/or country where they intend to obtain certification/licensure to verify that these courses/programs qualify in that state/country, prior to enrolling. Prospective students are also advised to regularly review the state’s/country’s policies and procedures relating to certification/licensure, as those policies are subject to change.
National University degrees do not guarantee employment or salary of any kind. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to review desired job positions to review degrees, education, and/or training required to apply for desired positions. Prospective students should monitor these positions as requirements, salary, and other relevant factors can change over time.
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