FAQs: 1098-T
What is the 1098-T form?
The 1098-T form is a tax form required by the IRS for Higher Education Institutions to send to all active students. The form pertains to the Hope Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Credits-Tax Relief Act of 1997.
Do I qualify?
Unfortunately, we may not offer any tax advice to our students. Please refer students to a tax professional.
What if I didn’t receive my 1098-T form?
To verify if a 1098-T was processed, login to the SOAR Student Portal at www.nu.edu/Login.html. There could be several reasons why you did not receive; incorrect address, the university was not required to generate a 1098-T as per the exemptions identified by the IRS.
What If I am unable to access/login to the SOAR Student Portal?
If you have forgotten your password, or are experiencing issues accessing the site, please contact (866) 628-8988.
Will every student receive a 1098-T?
There are reporting exceptions for the following students who will not receive a 1098-T:
- Students enrolled in courses for which no academic credit is offered;
- Nonresident alien students, unless requested by the student;
- Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships or grants;
- Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are covered by a formal billing arrangement between an institution and the student’s employer or a governmental entity, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense.
I received a letter and message on the SOAR Student Portal requesting my Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) however I do not have a TIN. Why am I receiving this notice?
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires National University to request a TIN from our students if a TIN is not on file. In order to comply with IRS regulation, we need to provide an accurate TIN. Failure to provide may result in IRS penalties. If you are an International student and you do not request a 1098-T from National University, you can disregard this notice. No further action is required.
What if my 1098-T has the incorrect social security number on it?
It is important that your SSN is accurate. If your SSN is incorrect, you must
- Furnish the University with your SSN by submitting IRS Form W-9S (Request for Student’s or Borrower’s Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). Send the form to the Registrar Office.
Do not send the form to the IRS.
I have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) instead of a Social Security Number. What should I do?
It is important that we have an accurate SSN or ITIN number on file to complete the 1098-T process. If you do not have a SSN however you have an ITIN number, you must
- Furnish the University with your valid ITIN by submitting IRS Form W-9S (Request for Student’s or Borrower’s Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). Send the form to the Registrar Office. Do not send the form to the IRS.
The name on my form is incorrect. What should I do?
Your name is a key element of your tax information. You must notify the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible and provide the required documents. Please contact the University at (866) 628-8988 for additional instructions.
How do I get a record of payments I made to National University?
Refer to your local Student Accounts Office at (866) 682-2237 and select from the following list of locations or email StuAct@nu.edu. However, your bank records are the best method to locate this information.
What do the amounts in box 1 mean? (prior years through 2011. Reporting again in 2018)
Box 1 represents the total amount of payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses from all sources during the calendar year. The amount reported is the total amount of payments received less any reimbursements or refunds made during the calendar year that relate to the payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses during the same calendar year. The amount reported is not reduced by scholarships and grants reported in box 5. Box 1 may not reflect the true amount of tuition to be claimed for tax purposes; it reflects the amounts that we arerequired to report. For clarification on amounts to be claimed for tax purposes, please refer to a tax professional.
Why is Box 1 blank? (2012 through 2017)
The IRS instructs institutions to report either payments received on Box 1; or amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses Box 2. Prior to calendar year 2012, the university reported using Box 1. Effective with calendar year 2012 through 2017, the university reports on Box 2 therefore, Box 1 – Payments received for Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses will be blank.
What do the amounts in box 2 mean? (2012 through 2017)
Box 2 represents the amounts billed within the calendar year for qualified tuition and fees, not amounts paid, the information most commonly sought to qualify for educationally related credits on federal income tax forms. The transaction dates of those billed amounts determines the year for which they are reported.
Effective 2014
– Box 2 may be -0- if tuition in January 2014 was billed and reported in the 2013 1098-T However, in 2014 it was reversed. No new charges were billed in 2014 yet it will generate a 2014 1098-T and reflect a -0- in box 2 and the amount of adjustment in box 4.
What do the amounts in box 4 mean?
Box 4 represents reimbursement, refunds, or prior year adjustments of qualified tuition and related expenses made during the calendar year that were reported for a prior year(s)
What do the amounts in box 5 mean?
Box 5 represents the amount of scholarships or grants applied to tuition for the current year. Beginning in 2012, VA Benefits received under the Post 9/11 Chapter 33 GI Bill are now reported as scholarships on the 1098-T form in Box 5. Although VA benefits are not considered a resource when need is calculated, the IRS has recently defined Box 5 to include payments received from governmental entities.
What do the amounts in box 6 mean?
Box 6 represents current year adjustments to scholarships or grants that were reported in Box 5 for a prior year(s).
What does the Service Provider/Account # represent?
This is the 9-digit student identification number.
Does the IRS offer any pamphlets or information regarding the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997?
Yes. You may contact the IRS directly at 1-800-829-1040 or you can visit them on the web at https://www.irs.gov/publications/p970 or http://www.irs.gov/uac/Tax-Law-Questions The Student Business Services Department is committed to providing you the best customer service and support. If you need additional assistance, please contact your local Student Accounts Office at (866) 682-2237 and select from the following list of locations or email 1098@nu.edu. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.