Vocational Rehabilitation
For information on eligibility, or if you wish to apply for the vocational rehabilitation program, Chapter 31 of Title 38, please call the Veterans Affairs Department regional office at 1-800-827-1000.
If you have already applied, or are in the process of applying for Vocational Rehabilitation, Chapter 31 with the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office, and have chosen National University as your educational institution you must submit all transcripts, official as well as unofficial and prior training and or seminar attendance to a senior evaluator for a pre-evaluation based on your chosen degree or area of interest. A copy of this pre-evaluation will be submitted to your VA Benefits Counselor, one copy to National University’s VA Office and another copy will be mailed to your address. The final decision will be made by your VA benefits counselor at the VA Regional Office.
National University will receive the approval form VR-28-1905 once you have been approved for vocational rehabilitation chapter 31 program. This is the official approval that must be received by the Educational Institution. Please call the VA Office at National University if you have received this form, or were informed by your case manager that it has been mailed.